Franklin Graham: Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Franklin Graham: Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

As Christmas approaches, the world is on edge. Following the slaughter of more than 1,400 Israelis—including women and children—by savage Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, the state of Israel launched retaliatory strikes across the Gaza Strip to destroy the entrenchments of...
Franklin Graham: The Absolute Authority of God’s Word

Franklin Graham: The Absolute Authority of God’s Word

As I write this, I’m preparing to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in Essen, Germany, and in Rome. Germany, of course, was the land of the Reformation under the ministry of men like Martin Luther, where the authority of the Word of God was reclaimed after...
Franklin Graham: Sin Is the Problem

Franklin Graham: Sin Is the Problem

You don’t need to look long to see that our country—and our world—is in serious trouble. Every day, we hear reports of growing crime, lawlessness and violence, and especially the bullying from those on the progressive left against those who stand publicly for God’s...
Franklin Graham: Courts Are Crucial, but God Is Supreme

Franklin Graham: Courts Are Crucial, but God Is Supreme

The 2024 elections are still more than a year away, but the historic Supreme Court decisions from this past June remind us just how far-reaching election results can be. In a landmark 6-3 decision, the justices ruled in favor of Colorado Christian graphic designer...
Franklin Graham: Standing on God’s Truth

Franklin Graham: Standing on God’s Truth

Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Seoul, Korea, at the 50th anniversary of my father’s historic 1973 Crusade, where he preached to more than 3 million people. That year, on June 3 alone, a crowd of 1.1 million...
Franklin Graham: Preach the Gospel

Franklin Graham: Preach the Gospel

Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in six different cities in three states during our God Loves You Tidewater Tour. In every town, hundreds of people—young and old—responded to the Gospel invitation to make a...